Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY



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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category Target version Due date
4274 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal "ranou" sounds like "ranu" Skarnitzl Radek HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech Actions
4059 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Katka Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 28.10.2016 Actions
4058 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Stanislav Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 21.10.2016 Actions
3949 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal G-P conversion of foreign words Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 31.07.2016 Actions
3944 HQSYN16 Task Closed Low Commit changes based on user(s) logged in/out Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 30.11.2016 Actions
3923 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Add frequency grid to spectrogram Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 27.05.2016 Actions
3922 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations - voice Jan Matura Martin HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 13.06.2016 Actions
3921 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Retranscribe ASF of voice Jan Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 31.05.2016 Actions
3900 HQSYN16 Task Closed Low Multiple alternative candidate panels placement Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 20.06.2016 Actions
3884 HQSYN16 Task Closed High Fix the order of alternative candidates Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 29.04.2016 Actions
3883 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Nastavení - page unavailable Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech Actions
3882 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Enable multiple panels of alternative candidates Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 13.05.2016 Actions
3881 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Reformat alternative candidates panel Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 06.05.2016 Actions
3876 HQSYN16 Task Closed Low webprokus - background color for alternatives Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech Actions
3858 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal výslovnosti Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 17.04.2016 Actions
3857 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal WebProkus improvements Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech Actions
3844 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme Skarnitzl Radek HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 20.11.2016 Actions
3842 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Make rPraat package Bořil Tomáš HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 29.02.2016 Actions
3841 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Make mPraat toolbox Bořil Tomáš HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 31.01.2016 Actions
3840 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal TSD2016 Submission of Full paper Bořil Tomáš HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 22.03.2016 Actions
3807 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal [á] sounds like [a] in "Ahoj, jak se máš?" Bořil Tomáš HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 31.03.2016 Actions
3806 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 31.03.2016 Actions
3796 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Add more info about alternative candidates Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 22.04.2016 Actions
3768 HQSYN16 Defect Closed Normal Alternative candidates are not available Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 29.02.2016 Actions
3767 HQSYN16 Defect Closed Normal Cannot jump to source units for some voices Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 29.02.2016 Actions
3763 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations Matura Martin HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 03.06.2016 Actions
3754 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid Bořil Tomáš HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech Actions
3753 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Add "Kateřina" voice to WebProkus Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 22.02.2016 Actions
3751 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 24.02.2016 Actions
3750 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 24.02.2016 Actions
3749 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 24.02.2016 Actions
3748 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 24.02.2016 Actions
3747 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 24.02.2016 Actions
3746 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Enable to mark artefacts in WebProkus Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 04.03.2016 Actions
3734 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Evaluate analysis of unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř" Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 22.02.2016 Actions
3728 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Enable to view and edit phonetic transcription Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 15.02.2016 Actions
3720 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Analyze unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř" Skarnitzl Radek HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 14.02.2016 Actions
3719 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř" Skarnitzl Radek HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 05.02.2016 Actions
3717 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Enable to view and use candidates of selected units Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 29.02.2016 Actions
3716 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Enable to view speech signal and spectrogram in WebProkus Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 15.02.2016 Actions
3715 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Create basic version of WebProkus Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 01.02.2016 Actions
3714 HQSYN16 Task Closed High WebProkus - software for analysis of synthetic speech Vít Jakub HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 30.11.2016 Actions
3713 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Send link to listening test on voiced "ř" [R] vs unvoiced "ř" [Q] to phoneticians Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 26.01.2016 Actions
3688 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Separation of some phonemes into distinct phones Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 20.11.2016 Actions

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