Task #3949
closedTask #3669: RA1a - Analysis and cataloguing of artifacts
Task #3797: Artifact catalogue
G-P conversion of foreign words
Basic forms of foreign words are typically transcribed correctly, but the transcription (and hence the synthesized pronunciation) in some less usual forms or in compounds is incorrect.
This concerns mostly two things:
1) alveolar/palatal alternation (t/T, n/J)
- mezietnický, ekumenicita
- agramatický, psychoakustický, aortický
2) hiatus, i.e., when two vowels meet
a) [j] is often not defined in derived word forms, and often a glottal stop is inserted (though it is not in the transcription)
- word forms of patriarchální, archaický, prozaický, nebiologický, biotopický, idey, lyceum, hyenovitý
b) insertion of glottal stop
- poetika, poetický and their forms
+ another isolated example: filosofický, filosofie are correct, but filosofická/é yields [s] instead of [z]
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich over 8 years ago
- Due date set to 31.07.2016
- Status changed from New to Assigned
Updated by Matoušek Jindřich over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
The reported phonetic transcription exceptions were fixed.