Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY



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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category Target version Due date
4462 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Automatic evaluation of synthetic speech quality by a system based on statistical analysis Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 14.09.2018 Actions
4206 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal HMM-based outlier duration detection and penalization Jůzová Markéta HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 31.01.2018 Actions
4205 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal DNN-based outlier duration detection and penalization Jůzová Markéta HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 31.01.2018 Actions
3935 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Add classifier scripts to SVN Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA1: Analysis of artifacts in synthetic speech 05.06.2016 Actions
3855 HQSYN16 Task Postponed Normal More data for artefacts collection Grůber Martin HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 10.04.2016 Actions
3809 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016 Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 30.03.2016 Actions
3773 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Submit a paper to journal Measurement Science Review Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification Actions
3772 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Submit a paper for TSP 2016 Matoušek Jindřich HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification Actions
3771 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Create a paper for TSD 2016 Přibil Jiří HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 23.03.2016 Actions
3770 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Experiment with gender and age classification for synthetic speech error predictions and evaluation Přibil Jiří HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 23.03.2016 Actions
3699 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Compute features (MFCC, LPC, LPCenv and FFTpow) Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 24.01.2016 Actions
3698 HQSYN16 Task Closed Normal Experiment with one-class clasification for join cost enhancements Tihelka Dan HQSYN16 - RA4: Automatic error prediction and signal modification 05.06.2016 Actions

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