Task #3747
Task #3669: RA1a - Analysis and cataloguing of artifacts
Task #3688: Separation of some phonemes into distinct phones
List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Added by Matoušek Jindřich about 9 years ago.
Updated about 9 years ago.
Send us a list of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Skarnitzl Radek to Matoušek Jindřich
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the syllabicity of R will be in conflict with reality.
Kapr to napral do zdi.
Petrovi svetr sluší.
Okrasný okr nanesu.
Bobr obrem není.
Udržel pudru hrst.
Bagr se na gril nevejde.
prší právem
trsy trávy
krtek krade
brzdy brání
drzý drozd
frťan z Francie
vrtá vrata
srkají srandou
zrcadlo zraje
chrt chrápe
hrtan je hravý
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Related to Task #3748: List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l" added
- Related to Task #3749: List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N" added
- Related to Task #3750: List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř" added
- Related to Task #3751: List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch" added
- Precedes Task #3763: Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations added
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