Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




Two papers accepted for SPECOM 2018 conference

Added by Matoušek Jindřich over 6 years ago

The following two papers were accepted for SPECOM 2018 conference (indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus):

  • TIHELKA, D., HANZLÍČEK, Z., JŮZOVÁ, M., MATOUŠEK, J. First Steps Towards Hybrid Speech Synthesis in Czech TTS system ARTIC (Research Area RA4: Activity RA4c)
  • MATURA, M., JŮZOVÁ, M., MATOUŠEK, J. On the Contribution of Articulatory Features to Speech Synthesis (Research Area RA3: Activity RA3b)
